A wide variety of mechanical tests can be performed on endoprostheses with DYNA-MESS servo-pneumatic testing machines. For those tests, the TP 5kN HF and the TP 10kN HF machines are used.
ISO 7206-4"Implants for surgery - Partial and total hip joint prostheses - Part 4: Determination of endurance properties and performance of stemmed femoral components"
ISO 7206-6
"Implants for surgery - Partial and total hip joint prostheses - Part 6: Determination of endurance properties of head and neck region of stemmed femoral components"
ISO 7206-8
"Implant for surgery - Partial and total hip joint prostheses - Part 8: Endurance performance of stemmed femoral components with application of torsion"
The fatigue tests on the hip shaft as well as combined traction/torsion tests are performed with ball sockets.
The DYNA-MESS software complies with the load value and ensures an adequate temporal relationship between the different loads.
Standard shear tests
For standardized tests where the load needs to be applied in angle with the clamped implant, both clamping tools and special adapters are available. In addition, a lot of fixtures and accessories are available which allow to perform a large range of tests (traction, bending, etc.).
Test frequency : 15 Hz
Number of cycles : 5 M
Testing machine : DYNA-MESS TP 10 kN HF
ISO 14879-1
"Implants for surgery - Total knee-joint prostheses - Part 1: Determination of endurance properties of knee tibial trays"
Test frequency: 5 Hz
Number of cycles: 10 M
Testing machine : DYNA-MESS TP 10 kN
Spinal column
ASTM F 1717-96
"Standard test methods for spinal implant constructs in a vertebrectomy model".
ASTM F 1798-97
"Standard guide for evaluating the static and fatigue properties of interconnection mechanisms and sub-assemblies used in spinal arthrodesis implants"
ASTM F 2077-01
"Test methods for inter-vertebral body fusion devices"
Test frequency : 2 - 3 Hz
Number of cycles: 10 M
Testing machine : DYNA-MESS TP 5 kN
Bone cement
For dynamic testing of bone cement, standard test specimens are used and subjected to a bending test.
The other types of cement implants (hip joints for example) are subjected to a dynamic load to evaluate the bonding between the implant and the bone.
For fatigue test on dental implants (according to DIN EN ISO 14801), DYNA-MESS testing machine model TP 5kN HF is used.
Test frequency : 15 Hz
Number of cycle : 5 M
Testing machine : DYNA-MESS TP 5 kN HF
For more information: Dental implants
Continuous data recording
By continuously recording data throughout the test period, it is possible to have a statement not only about the type of damages or change in the test parameters but also the evolution of the damages or parameters while performing a test. All data are automatically recorded for further documentation.