

Torsion tests

Torsionspruefmaschine für elastische KupplungenServo-hydraulic and servo-pneumatic DYNA-MESS machines are used for static and dynamic torsion tests for universal joints and rubber components.  


Torsion tests

Torsion tests can be performed on many kind of coupling assemblies or hydraulic jacks. In most cases, the exterior flange or the frame is fixed to the machine and the load (torque or torsion angle) is applied on the axis of the tested part.

Tests for universal joints

For a universal joint test, the part is fixed to the axis of a hydraulic actuator that is tilted to matches the housing. Here, the torque/angle values are recorded.


Static and dynamic tests

Kardanik Pruefung an FahrwerkslagerWith a static test it is possible to determine the following static properties:   

  • Hysteresis curve
  • Stiffness at different operating points
  • ....

And the following dynamic properties:

  • Dynamic stiffness
  • Loss angle
  • Strength loss
  • ...

The following parameters can be adjusted by the operator while performing a dynamic test:

  • Amplitude
  • Frequency
  • Waveform
  • Oscillating point

The data will be recorded as moment/angle or force/angle values to calculate the dynamic properties.    


Axial and multiaxial test benches

Verspannungspruefstand fuer elastische KupplungFor some specific test applications, it is necessary to apply load in more than one axis. DYNA-MESS can provide machines equipped with multiples actuators in order to generate any kind of loads. For example, an additional actuator can be added to generate a tension load on the axis of the part when the other actuator applies a torsion load. 


Automatic evaluation

The DYNA-MESS software automatically calculates the parameters and presents them into a test report. For example, the stiffness at different torque or displacement values can be evaluated.


Individual and fatigue test

An oscillating torsion load can be used for a single test (evaluate the properties at a specific operating point), a sweep test (evaluate the properties as a function of the frequency and the load) or a fatigue test (evaluate the properties as a function of cycles and load).


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