

Fatigue tests

DYNA-MESS test machines can be used for endurance tests on elastomer materials and components such as rubber/metal, hydraulic jacks, couplings and more.

The fatigue performances and the change of the dynamic properties are investigated while loading the part.


Cost-efficient testing with servo-pneumatic actuator

Pruefmaschine zur ElastomerpruefungIn many cases, DYNA-MESS dynamic testing machines used for fatigue tests are equipped with servo-pneumatic actuators. As the servo-pneumatic actuator does not need a complex installation as a servo-hydraulic one, the price of the testing machine is significantly reduced.


Fatigue performances

To determine the fatigue properties under dynamic loading, the test part is exposed to a force-displacement controlled load and, if necessary, a static preload can also be applied. The test can be performed with only one dynamic load or a sequence of loads can be programmed. For example, the load can oscillate around 100 N for the first 200 cycles and then increase to 500N. Different waveforms can also be chosen, such as a sine-wave and square-wave signal.

To evaluate the fatigue performances, a static compression load can be applied for a long period and the variation of the deformation of the part can be recorded.

Dynamic properties

With the DYNA-MESS software, it is possible to evaluate the dynamic properties of a part. The following are examples of the properties that can be measured:

  • Dynamic stiffness
  • Loss angle
  • Strength loss
  • ...

The corresponding values are automatically calculated and represented on a graphic. In addition, tolerances can be defined by the user in order to stop the test if one of the test parameters is not respected due to an abnormal behavior of the tested component. For example, if a part cannot be subjected to a deformation greater than 5mm, the user can enter this tolerance into the software and, if the deformation, after a certain time, is greater than 5mm, the test is stopped automatically.

Continuous data recording

By continuously recording data throughout the test, it is possible to have a statement not only about the type of damages or changes in the set parameters but also, the evolution of the damages or the variation of the parameters can be monitored during the test. All data are automatically recorded for further analysis.