Measurement and Control Electronic
All DYNA-MESS testing machines are equipped with the high-performance measurement and control electronics DYNA-CLC (Closed-Loop-Controller).
Highly modern processors with FPGA link guarantee real-time data handling of all channels.
Highly modern processors with FPGA link guarantee real-time data handling of all channels.
Modular and flexible
A modular and easily adaptable architecture allows for the electronic to be used in tasks with one axis (CLCsingle) or highly complex multi axes applications (CLCmulti). The in-house development ensures state-of-the-art testing and high flexibility in fulfilling individual customer requirements.

Old machine – new electronics (modernizations)
Outdated testing machines can be equipped with DYNA-CLC and our up-to-date testing software DYNA-TCC within the scope of a modernization to restore state-of-the-art testing. Machines from other manufacturers are no drawback for our new electronics.
- PC connection: Ethernet → no additional cards
- Universal for all modes of driving:
pneumatic, hydraulic, electric - Sampling rates up to 20 kHz per channel
- Control rates up to 20 kHz
- A/D converter: working parallel, 24 bit resolution
- ...
Machine Remote Control DYNA-RC

DYNA-CLC together with DYNA-RC (Remote Control) enables perfect setting up and monitoring of tests.
- Digital display of force and displacement
- Axes handling
- Additional infos during test
- Crosshead handling
- Operating clamping devices
- ...